LIC's & CERT's: AACTA 47371 ABN 26 993 478 070 AUSTRALIAN PASSPORT PADI DIVER 1210AG7642 MARINE LICENSE 4369527 WHITE CARD CGI0274072SEQ01 FIREARMS LICENSE CATEGORY A B C FIRST AID/CPR, RSA/RCG (NSW & VIC) WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK 1049416A VICTORIA POLICE FIREARMS SAFETY INSTRUCTOR 1365 CAR (Manual, Auto), TRUCK (5 Tonnes, Tractor), HEAVY RIGID LICENSE CIVIL CONSTRUCTION LICENSE 37667 (BACKHOE, EXCAVATOR, ROLLER, FRONT END LOADER, SKID-STEER), HIGH RISK LICENSE FORKLIFT 1479764 BIO: Born in Broken Hill, to parents of mixed heritage. Grass roots. Salt of the Earth. Family focused. Father of Four. The Graham Corry School of Drama guided his professional debut, acclaimed performances in numerous Short & Sweet productions followed, a love of singing culminated in performances at the Sydney Opera House (he sports a Tenor) relentlessly pursuing performance and training, NIDA, Screenwise, 16th Street, Howard Fine, ongoing training & mentoring with Robert Marchand PhD, founder of the iconic CBI foundation. Life experience as a firefighter, coast guard, justice of the peace, quals in scuba, boating, shooting, civil construction, a working with children check & accredited Victoria Police firearm safety instructor. AS A FILM MAKER: Films4Change Social awareness through Film