THEATRE REVIEWS "Burley is one to look out for on Australian stages, the emotional rollercoaster that she took the audience on is a true testament to her ability as an actor." | THEATRE THOUGHTS AUS "The mother and daughter scenes were brilliant and the interaction allowed the actresses time to shine.. Audiences should look out for Burley in the future. The young talent was exceptional as the angsty teenager, with her big big smiles and quick fire temper." | SYDNEY SCOOP "The soul of the play turns on remarkable scenes between Rachel and Penny. As the permanently furious teenager who’s oblivious to anything beyond herself, Caitlin Burley gives the performance of the night and is an exceptional newcomer... The interactions between the two range from demonic fury to deep love via endless frustration, all written with true understanding." | STAGE NOISE "Emma Diaz and Caitlin Burley make huge waves, so much so that I sometimes wanted their scenes to continue, to hell with the rest. The youthful-looking Caitlin makes a smashing debut at the Ensemble.” | STAGE WHISPERS "a promising debut from Caitlin Burley" | SMH "Caitlin Burley plays Penny’s surfer daughter, lured into a scheme to discredit her own mum, and she is excellent in the role." | LIMELILGHT Jason Blake "I haven’t cried in many Williamson plays, except from laughter, but here the mother-daughter relationship is presented with an honesty and insight that had my eyes stinging with salt only a scene or two in. Emma Diaz as Penny and Caitlin Burley as Rachel are extraordinary. " | THEATRE RED "Caitlin Burley literally bounds onto the stage with teenage exuberance." | CULTURAL BINGE