Vocal Range: Baritone
2003; ST; Chief of Police; The Government Inspector; The Hoist; Daniel Schlusser
2003; ST; Lex; The Eskimo Calling; Neonheart; Aden Fennesy
2002; FF; Hamish; One Perfect Day; Lightstream Films; Paul Curry
2002; TV; Ben Connors; McLeod's Daughters; Millennium Television; Cath Roden (Eps 51 & 52)
2001; ST; Peter; Blue Remembered Hills; Brink Productions (Belvoir St); John O'Hare
2001; ST; The Son / Graeme; Innsouciance / The Prodigal Son; Playbox; Tom Healy/Daniel Schluser
2000; SF; Joe; Meeting Misty Rain (Runner Up Tropfest 2000); Justin Kurzel
2000; ST; 4th Porter; The Ecstatic Bible (Adelaide Festival); The Wrestling School (UK) & Brink Productions; Howard Barker & Tim Maddock
2000; ST; Valmont; Quartet; Brink; Gerard McArthur
1999 ST; Larry; Closer; STCSA; Bebedict Andrews
1998 ST; Bernie; Unidentified Human Remains and the True nature of Love; STCSA; Rosabella Clemente
1997 FF; Peter; Dead letter Office; Artists Services; John Ruane
1994 - 1995 FF; The Man; Epsilon; Virtigo; Rolf De Heer
1993 FF; Yobbo; Bad Boy Bubby; Fandango; Rolf De Heer
1989 FF; Spencer; Struck By LIghtning; Dark Horse films; Jersy Domaradsky
MDA - Series 2; Ch: Nurse Scott, Guest Role, Ep 38, Screentime Pty Ltd, 2003
Stingers; Ch: Freddie Effen, Guest Role, Ep. 109, Simpson Le Mesurier, Dir: Kevin Carlin, 2002
Secret Life Of Us; Ch: Forman, Guest Role, Ep 2 West Street Productions No. 3, 2001
2016 Green Room Nomination Ryan Best Actor Independent Theatre
2006 Been So Long (Director) Best Show Adelaide Fringe
2000 Adelaide Critics Circle Award For Excellence in the Arts
1998 Best Professional Actor (S.A.) Adelaide Advertiser
1997 Green Room Nomination Cat Melbourne Fringe Festival
2012 Howard Fine Masterclass
2004 Anne Bogart SITI Company N.Y
1981-83 Flinders University Drama Centre