'The whole ensemble are fabulous on stage, so it almost seems unfair to single out any individual actors. But the depth Ruby Henaway gives to her cool girl character is sensational' - Seesaw Mag 'Henaway's performance is particularly compelling despite her having the least time on-stage' - Toasting Aussie Theatre 'Ruby Henaway's Girleen is effervescent and playful. She provides a - naively - hopeful counterbalance to the bleakness that permeates the play. She glimmers with youthful potential as she strides across the stage, teasing the scandalised Father Welsh with her sins and flirtations. However, when Girleen's dreary circumstances begin to drag her down to earth, Henaway masterfully transforms. Girleen becomes violent, sullen, and bitter. She is pummelled by the wretched haze that threatens to trap her in Leenane and smother her desires' - Theatre Travels 'This has to be the best ensemble cast I have seen in a very long time. The acting second to nothing I've ever experienced in live theatre' and 'Throw into the mix friend Girleen Kelleher (Ruby Henaway) who is equally dysfunctional but in a way she reflects the better side of humanity. Ultimately her revelation of her secret love of the priest is too late. Again a performance in which more is conveyed without words, only masterly acting' - East Side = 89.7 FM